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CLC Newsletter – Nov 2023
CLC Recognized by Triad Business Journal
Among the Largest Triad Life Sciences Companies of 2023
On October 6, 2023, the Triad Business Journal published a list of the 27 largest life science companies in the region.
Carolina Liquid Chemistries is proud to be among the industry leaders in the Triad. Based in Greensboro, Carolina Liquid Chemistries was founded by Phil Shugart in 1994 to bring reliable, affordable chemistry and toxicology reagents to the market for a wide variety of clinical chemistry instruments. CLC now offers a line of clinical chemistry analyzers – EasyRA® | DZ-Lite™ c270 | CLC800 | CLC1600 | CLC6410 – designed to meet the needs of small, mid-sized, or large clinical chemistry and toxicology laboratories. CLC recently launched the first ever point-of-care, FDA cleared and CLIA categorized urine test for fentanyl, with results in 6 minutes, on the RYAN™ analyzer.
End of Year Purchasing
Take Advantage of 2023 Pricing and Section 179
If you’d like to learn more, contact GSG Capital at 877-270-8306 or check out this article that they posted, breaking down Section 179 in What is Tax Code Section 179 and What Does it Mean to You?
CLC provides chemistry analyzer solutions, click here to learn more.
Our very own DeeDee Harrington, who you may know from customer support, organized the CLC Team to participate in the 2023 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Greensboro, NC. CLC’s effort resulted in raising $2500 for the #Walk2EndAlz cause. We are very proud of DeeDee Harrington and the team!
DZ-Lite™ c270 Now With 14 Drug Screens
62 Total Moderate Complex Assays, NOW Includes 14 Urine Drug Screens
Carolina Liquid Chemistries Corp. is proud to be a present and active force in the battle against addiction and overdose in this country. In addition to the release of their new Immunofluorescence Analyzer RYAN™, which provides point-of-care qualitative screening for fentanyl at a cutoff concentration of 1.0 ng/mL in just six minutes, CLC is able to offer one of the broadest menus of any benchtop chemistry analyzer on the market. The DZ Lite c270 features a menu comprised of 28 special chemistries and 20 general chemistries and NOW 14 urine drug screens. These assays are FDA-cleared and CLIA moderate complexity. Full menu below:
Carolina Liquid Chemistries is fortunate to call Dr. Steven Wong consultant and friend. Dr. Wong is Professor Emeritus of Pathology at Wake Forest University and a renowned leader in the laboratory medicine industry. Dr. Wong served as the Chief of Forensics in Toxicology for the Milwaukee County Medical Examiners Office from 1993 to 2011. He served as president of the AACC (now the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine, ADLM) in 2014, and was honored with the 2015 Past President’s Award from the organization as well. We are extremely honored to offer Dr. Wong’s expertise to our clientele.
What do you enjoy most about working with Carolina Liquid Chemistries?
It is really nice to work with a passionate company within the laboratory medicine & diagnostics industry, especially in regard to addressing the toxicology of fentanyl.
What do you like doing most outside of work?
My favorite hobbies are bicycling, oil painting, walking, and hiking with my wife, but I also greatly enjoy spending time with my grandchildren, in Wisconsin and Washington DC.
What was a very surprising or exciting moment in your career?
There have been many exciting moments, but the most exciting was being elected as president of the AACC in 2014. There was an election, and I was contacted by the secretary of the society and told that I had been elected.
Can you tell us your thoughts about the current fentanyl crisis in America?
There has been a fentanyl crisis for several years now, which stems from the abuse of– and accidental exposure to the drug. This leads to toxic fatalities. We need to take more steps to help address the problem. California, for instance, requires fentanyl testing in the emergency room, and that testing is very important for addressing the immediate need for treatment and any necessary follow-up care. Testing using Carolina Liquid Chemistries’ Ryan, for instance, can detect the parent compound of fentanyl at very sensitive levels, which can tell us how recently the patient may have taken fentanyl, and therefore helps in treating patients for acute exposure.
CLC Continues to Fight the Battle Against Fentanyl
Carolina Liquid Chemistries Point-of-Care Fentanyl Urine Detection Test on the Immunofluorescence Analyzer RYANTM
- First ever FDA cleared and CLIA categorized point-of-care fentanyl test
- Cutoff concentration as low as 1.0 ng/mL, specific to active parent compound
- Results in < 6 minutes
- Compact and portable
Click the image or call: 877-722-8910
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DZ-Lite™ is a trademark of Diazyme Laboratories, Inc.
EasyRA® is a trademark of Medica Corporation
Copyright (C) 2023 Carolina Liquid Chemistries Corp. All rights reserved.
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