Clinically and Cost-Effectively the Right Choice for Fecal Occult Blood Testing – WAIVED
Hemosure iFOB Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test (FIT)

Hemosure® is a worldwide recognized iFOBT brand known for quality, accuracy and reliability.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Hemosure iFOB test differ from a guaiac-based test? Reduce false positives.
Hemosure’s iFOB test is not affected by food or medication. In comparison with guaiac-based testing, Hemosure has a higher specificity due to its unique combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that are specific to human hemoglobin. A traditional guaiac test reacts with the peroxidase activity of heme protein in blood and is nonspecific for human hemoglobin. Therefore, certain foods and medication can interfere with the results of a guaiac test and cause false positive results.
Are there any times when the test should not be performed?
Yes. If the patient has a bleeding hemorrhoid(s) or is menstruating, these may interfere with the result, so choose an appropriate time.
What is the liquid inside the tube?
Phosphate Buffer Solution (PBS).
Is the liquid inside the tube hazardous or toxic?
Are there built-in controls?
Yes, there is a built-in control region on the test strip. For facilities that require QC testing, Hemosure carries a positive and negative control set (Part #: T1-TC01 & T1-TC02).
Does using Hemosure’s FOB test help increase patient compliance?
Yes. Due to ease of collection, and no dietary or medication restrictions, patient’s are much more likely to return a sample for testing.
How should the product be disposed?
The device itself may be disposed as solid waste. Device tested with a patient sample should be handled as potentially bio-hazardous material in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
What is the shelf life of Hemosure iFOB test?
24 months from date of manufacture when kept at room temperature.